M/V ENAV SAGUARO naming and delivery ceremony
Fuzhou, China May 2020
May the 4th, 2020. Just 6 months after getting delivery of our first vessel the M/V ENAV PEREGRINA under very special circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemia another important milestone for E-NAV Offshore was achieved as we took delivery of the second vessel of our fleet the M/V ENAV SAGUARO in Fuzhou, China. The M/V ENAV SAGUARO is a MMC-887CD Plataform Supply Vessel (PSV) built by Fujian Mawei Shipyards in Mawei province of Fujian, China. The ENAV SAGUARO is the second of a series of three MMC-887CD that E-NAV Offshore acquired from the same shipyard with some additional perks as a higher accommodation of up to 52 beds and upgraded reference systems.
As COVID-19 was at its peak in China and the world in the month of May non of the E-NAV Offshore senior team could travel to China to be present during the delivery and naming ceremony, regardless of this unusual situation and using today's high end communicating tools the closing meeting and delivery took place using virtual communication technology where management from E-NAV Offshore was connected live from Houston, Texas, Mexico City and Monterrey, Mexico directly with Fuzhou, China, while our technical staff was on site to take physical delivery and to sail with a full Chinese crew as travelling was banned into China to mobilize our crew to sail the vessel into Mexico.
Mr. Diego A Aguilar, Vice president, CCO & Founding Partner commented we are very happy to have our second vessel delivered in such challenging times, and sail to Tampico, Mexico expecting to arrive some time during late June to early July, 2020 where she will be registered and flag as a Mexican PSV dedicated to serve the IOC´s working in the region, M/V ENAV SAGUARO will be our fist Mexican Flag Vessel which is in line with our strategy of being a Mexican owner with a local and global presence as our first vessel the M/V ENAV PEREGRINA has been working for Shell in Trinidad and Tobago since February 2020.
E-NAV Offshore is committed to continue its growth even through this challenging times due to COVID19 where not only there is oil demand challenges but now logistics have become a huge challenge as moving crews around the world has become difficult due to COVD19, Mr Aguilar said.